segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2009

FreeBSD CPU & Memory Information

verificação de diversas caracteristicas do FreeBSD (ou outros, que usem dmesg):
a pagina original desapareceu :(

To get information about CPU and Memory under FreeBSD use the following commands:

Getting CPU information:

From dmesg:

    # dmesg | grep CPU
    # grep CPU /var/run/dmesg.boot | less

Using sysctl:

CPU model:

    # sysctl hw.model

No of cpus:

    # sysctl hw.ncpu

Get all information:

    # sysctl -a | grep -i cpu | less

Getting memory information:

From dmesg:

    # dmesg | grep memory
    # grep memory /var/run/dmesg.boot

Using sysctl:

    # sysctl -a | grep mem | less